En la Luz de la Parteria Initiation in Traditional Midwifery for Guardians of Birth


Initiation in Traditional Midwifery from Latin America for Guardians of Birth

Soma-Shakti School of Women’s Ancient Wisdom have the immense pleasure and honor of welcoming Daniela Salinas Riquelme Traditional Partera and Chilean Medicine Woman by organising our first Residential Retreat “En la Luz de la Parteria” in Australia.

A 6-day training course dedicated to the dimension of the Feminine in the Archetypal experience of Pregnancy, Childbirth and the Postpartum. 6 incredible days during which we immerse ourselves in the ancient knowledge related to motherhood coming from Ancient and traditional midwifery from Latin America.

“I want to be where the women are. I want to be where women want to be. I want to see them powerful, to see them emerge from their birth experiences and make changes in their lives” Daniela Salinas Riquelme – Founder of Ancestral Knowledge, Parteria and Motherhood.

This initiatory journey is aimed at Midwives, Birthkeepers, Doulas, Nurses, Health Workers, Birth Guardians, open to any Woman who feels the call to learn the art of ancient midwifery. It is a space to share, complete and expand knowledge.
For health professionals it is an excellent tool to complement knowledge from a traditional and intercultural approach.

This Intensive Course is theoretical and practical and the objectives are to transmit and pass down an initiation into ancestral knowledge on the topic of birth, and acquire skills and tools to accompany women in the process of pregnancy, birth and postpartum from the point of view of the ancestral Parteria.

The Course takes place over 5 days of theoretical and practical application plus the last ceremonial day concluding with the Temazcal Ritual, the Sweat Lodge.
Every day we share Cleaning Rituals, Chants to the Moon, Medicine Wheel and Ceremonial Spaces depending on the theme and the moment.

“I love my job, I love being a mother, I love my daughters with all my heart. I accompany births, I am on the side of women. I love birth and my work, always grateful to the women and midwives from whom I received this knowledge and medicine.”
Mother of 3 daughters, with experience of home birth after a caesarean section.
She is a traditional midwife at the Alianza Latinoamerica de Parteras ALAPAR.
Birth and postpartum doula, water birth, placenta medicine. She is the creator of Placenta Medicine in Chile and Latin America. She teaches Placenta Medicine in different regions of Chile and around the world.
She trained in Spiritual Midwifery with Mexican midwives in the field.
She performs uterus massage, welcome rituals to the soul of the newborn, closing of the womb with rebozo. She conducts Temazcales for women and pregnant women. Prayer ceremonies and energy cleansing. Circles of women. Moon Song Circles and Medicine Wheels.


– Physical examination of the uterus. Pulse pregnancy detection. Uterine sobada. Massage to stimulate fertility.
– Menstrual dysfunctions. Treatments with Traditional Medicine. Dysmenorrhea. Amenorrhea. Menorrhagia. Hypermenorrhea. Hypermenorrhea. Hypomenorrhea. Endometriosis. infertility
– Traditional medicine. Phytopreparations. Mother dyes. Preparation of First Aid Kit, Female Herbal Medicine and Childbirth Kit with Traditional Remedies to Increase Fertility, Regulate Menstruation, Regulate Blood Pressure. Natural antibiotics, vaginal and urinary tract infections, uterine tonics, emmenagogues, antihemorrhagics, coagulants, expulsion of the placenta, postpartum baths, powder for the care of the umbilical cord, more…

– Prenatal Village. Prenatal interview. Birth moon. Blood pressure. Belly mapping: Leopold maneuvers. Presentation, position, Fetal heart beat. Cord heartbeat. Detect and release the circular umbilical cord. Placental beat. Detection of quantity of amniotic fluid. Calculation of the baby's weight according to traditional obstetrics. Maternal Massages.
- Sobada in Gestation.
- Prenatal Village open to women in the community.

- Holistic stages of birth.
- Use of Rebozo during gestation and childbirth. Andean blanket. Manteada and Fajada.. Release the body with the Rebozo.
- Tractions and stretches. Friction, Backpressure. Maneuver for asynclitism. Maneuvers for prolonged labor, arrest of dilation and prevention of dystocia. Vertical delivery. Squat and pull.
- Exercises and positions during labor and birth. Breathing, movement and voice during birth. Use of the ball. Birthing chair. Use of the Birthing Pool.

– Late cutting of the umbilical cord. Neonatal adaptation. Lotus birth. Partial Lotus. Being born with amnio, magic and ritual. Burning the umbilical cord.
- Postpartum visit. Steaming and postpartum baths. Poultices. Postpartum massages.
- Mexican Postpartum closing of the bones and Waltaska Andina (closing ritual)

- Cosmovision regarding the Placenta, Placental Reading, Different types of Mother Tinctures, Placental Art, Placenta Drum, Placental Spirituality.


– Encapsulation, Creams, Ointments, Oils, Placental Garden, Dream Catcher, Mordedor with umbilical cord, Offerings and Songs.


– Childbirth in Temazcal, Characteristics of a Temazcal for Childbirth and Original Cosmovision, Traditional Medicine in Temazcal (infusions, Ramadas, Bag of Plants, Poultices…). Rebozo in Temazcal and Positions.

– Sweat Lodge Ceremony, Lighting of the Sacred Fire. Circle of Moon Songs and Birth Songs.

*Training will be translated from Spanish to English

Notebook, pen, Apron, shawl, hair band, long skirt, mask. Altar offerings (flowers and candles), Talismans, oracles, musical instruments (rattles, drums), massage oil, calendar (with moons). More details will be sent upon registration.


Date: Jan 8 - 13 2025

*Early bird until 0ct 10 2024

Location: Wybalena Organic Farm

789 The Pocket Road,
The Pocket, NSW, 2483 Australia



Early Bird until October 2024

Shared Accomodation $3150

Private Accomodation $3500

Locals (No Accomodation) $2750