Ayurvedic Postpartum Doula Online Course
Pre-Recorded, Live Zoom Sessions & Optional In-person Treatment Training
October 3rd 2024
Becoming an Ayurvedic Postpartum Doula is one of the most powerful services that we can offer to women.
Post-partum is a vulnerable, raw, and powerful transition of the mother into motherhood.
It is a time in a mother’s life when she has been cracked open. Where her heart and body feel so tender and they are craving to be held in love.
A time when women need so much support mentally and physically and we can provide this support through the wisdom of Ayurveda and The Wise Women Tradition.
Postpartum care is the foundation for the health and well-being of the mother and their newborn for now and the years to follow.
At Soma-Shakti School of Women’s Ancient Wisdom, we believe in the wisdom of honouring the sacredness of a post-birth mama and newborn. Which is why we created this beautiful course. Where a whole village comes together to nourish the mother with food, loving touch, herbal baths, and support for her and her newborn. Offering the mother the opportunity to rest, rejuvenate, heal, and fall in love with her baby.
It is every mama’s birthright to step into motherhood feeling loved, supported, and honoured. And it is every baby’s birthright to experience a loving and sweet start in this world.
Utilising this specialised area of Ayurvedic medicine & The Wise Women Tradition, the aspirant caregiver / doula will gain principles, tools and techniques to integrate and implement in the work with mothers.
Meet our Teachers, Guest Teachers & Mentors
Daniela Prema- Ayurvedic Health Practitioner / Birth & Postpartum Doula
Sarah Smits - Midwife
Laura Poole - Vedic Meditation Teacher / Ayurvedic Postpartum Doula
Peter Crone - The Mind Architect
Dylan Smith - Ayurvedic Health Practitioner / Health Educator
Claudia Nethery - Ayurvedic Practitioner / Postpartum Doula
Julie Bernier - Ayurvedic Health Practitioner
Om Ein Dor - Meditation Teacher
Madison Madden - Ayurvedic Doctor & Climate Activist
Caroline Blanco - Vedic Meditator Teacher
20 Pre-recorded Lectures to watch at your own pace (30+ hrs of wisdom) + Monthly Live support sessions with mentors (Kriya, Meditation, Q&A) for 4 months
Course Curriculum
Module #1: The Pillar of Ayurveda & The Sacred Window
Welcome Ceremony & The Importance of Postpartum Care
Foundations of Ayurveda
21-Day Self-Abhyanga Challenge
The Doshas
Satsang: A Women's Path to Self-Realisation with Om EinDor
Module #2: The Pillar of Diet & Nutrition
Agni & Shad Rasas
Dhatus & Ojas
Dhatus & Q&A
Cooking for Postpartum and Connecting to the Wise Women within your heart.
Kriya & Support Circle
Module #3: The Pillar of Sadhana & Devotion
Meditation During Postpartum
Satsang with Peter Crone
The Importance of Sattva with OmKarananda
Kriya & Support Circle
Grief & Loss
Module #4: The Pillar of Loving Touch
Postpartum Care after C-section
Belly Binding - Bengkung Style
Module #5: The Pillar of Herbs & Rejuvenation
Herbal Apothecary I
Herbal Apothecary II
Kriya & Support Circle
Ayurvedic Herbs for Postpartum Care with Madison Madden
Panchakola Ghee
Module #6: Sacred Baby Care & The Art of Breastfeeding
Conscious Neonatal Care
The Art of Breastfeeding
Module #7: Projects, Assignments, Soma-Shakti Village Volunteer Program
Final Project & Volunteer Work
Projects & Q&A
Final Projects Presentations
Closing Circle
*For Kriya and Meditation we will meet the first Sunday of every month at 7:30am Sydney Timezone.
*For the live Q&A sessions we will meet on the last Sunday of every month at 8am Sydney timezone. This is a great time to integrate, ask questions, and connect in community.
Investment Options:
Investment for online course = $1250 / 20 Pre-recorded Lectures to watch at your own pace (30+ hrs of wisdom) + Monthly Live support sessions with mentors (Satsangs, Kriya, Meditation, Q&A) for 4 month
For payment plan options e-mail team@soma-shakti.com.au
30% of all profits from our course go to Soma-Shakti Village. To know more about our organisation read here