Wise Women Postpartum Treatment Training


During this training we will explore the sacred wisdom of the Wise Women Tradition and Ayurveda, connect with our wombs and the innate wisdom within us. You will learn how to support a mother during birth with the art of the Rebozzo and how to nourish a mother after childbirth with Postpartum Abhyanga (Ayurvedic Oil Massage). These teachings will be shared by Daniela (founder of Soma-Shakti) and Sarah from Down To Birth Midwifery .

This training has the intention to offer you tools that you can implement it in your work as doulas and care givers. You will also learn practices to enliven consciousness and cultivate a devoted sadhana (personal practice). Such as asana, pranayama, meditation, and Ayurvedic self-rituals.

This training is for anyone that wants to serve women through the childbearing years.

No matter your level of experience or previous knowledge, this training is designed to equip each participant with the knowledge and skills they need to support a postpartum mother with Ayurvedic Oil Massage.

***We encourage the studies of the Ayurvedic Postpartum Doula Course before this training. To enroll click here

Next Session:

Oct 24 - 27 2024


Sattva Sanctuary, Northern Rivers

What you will experience:

Daily Meditation + Kriya + Ayurvedic Hands On Treatment Training + Wisdom + Sharing + Sisterhood + Community

We will share beautiful Ayurvedic meals to nourish us over the training.

4-Day Intensive Wise Women Postpartum Treatment Training Schedule:

(Subject to Change)

Day 1

10am -  Check in with Emily 

11:00am - 12:00pm - Welcome Circle

12:00pm - 1:00pm - Welcome Lunch

1:30pm - 3:30pm - Workshop with Dani - The sacredness of Pregnancy, birth, and postpartum

4:00pm - 6:00pm - Self Womb Massage & Ceremonial Yoni Steam with Sarah

6:00 - 7:00pm - Dinner

Day 2

6:00am - 7:30am - Puja and Kriya with Ritika

8:00am - 8:30am - Breakfast

9:00am - 11:00am - Postpartum Abhyanga (Front Body) with Dani

12:00pm - 1:00pm - Nourishing Lunch

3:00pm - 5:00pm - Postpartum Abhyanga (Back Body) with Dani

5:30pm - Integration Circle / Wise Women Postpartum Practices

6:00pm - 7:00pm - Dinner

7:30pm - 8:30pm - Kirtan

Day 3

6:00am - 7:30am - Puja and Meditation Ritika

8:00am - 8:30am - Breakfast

9:30am - 11:00am - Full body Abhyanga Practice (Group 1)

12:00pm - 1:00pm - Lunch

2:00pm - 5:00pm - Workshop with Sarah 

5:30pm - 6:30pm - Dinner

Day 4 

6:00am - 7:30am - Puja and Kriya with Ritika

8:00am - 8:30am - Breakfast

9:30am - 11:00am - Full body Abhyanga (Group 2)

12:00pm - 1:00pm - Lunch

2:00pm - 4:00pm - Integration Time / Retreat Ends


$2,800 AUD (Double Accomodation at Sattva Sanctuary)

*Because of the intimate energy we want to create in the training. We require a 20% deposit to secure your spot.

Only 12 spaces available

The Facilitators:

Daniela (Ayurvedic Health Practitioner - Educator - Birthkeeper)

Dani has trained at the feet of her teachers in India and abroad for 10+ years. Her intention is to share their wisdom from heart to heart. For more info.

Sarah (Midwife - Body worker - Healer)

Womb Alchemist. Dreamer and birther of Down to Birth Midwifery. Gypsy soul. Birth keeper. Space holder. Wellness promoter. Midwife. Internationally certified lactation consultant. Passionate advocate for women, birth and breastfeeding.

Dalia (Sattva Yoga Teacher - Vedic Astrologer)

Dalia studied under the guidance of her beloved teacher & modern day Master; Anand Mehrotra. As a disciple of the Himalayan Yoga Vedantic Tradition, Dalia embodies the complete and holistic Yoga sciences. She devotes her life to this work, in honour of the Divine Mother. For more info

Jana (Naturopath - Plant based Chef)

Working with people from all walks of life and ages, Jana assists with digestive and emotional problems, depleted energy, thyroid and endocrine issue, female heath and fertility, immune and autoimmune problems, skin problems and more..

Eran Niv (Vedic Astrologer - Sattva Yoga Teacher)

Living a holistic yogic life where “regular” life and spiritual life are one and the same, Eran uses yoga, astrology, Sattva and Jewish teachings to design personal practices, do astrological readings and also teach. Coaching, mentoring and inspiring others to live their highest, most authentic lives by living his own. Eran is dedicated to helping people with personal and spiritual growth that helps them to become better, happier, more peaceful, holistic human beings.

Testimonials from students

“It was a beautiful journey that I was lucky to be a part off. Surrounded with so many beautiful women. I had the chance to learn so much about the Wisdom of the feminine. The power of the womb, guided with my friend and teacher Daniela. I feel blessed and grateful and can’t thank you enough for the treasures you are sharing with the world.” - Leah Jane

“Darling Dani, thank you for such an amazing experience. For being my guide in these learnings. You spoke to my soul for the last two days.” - Selene

“Thank you so much for the past two days. I feel so wonderful and deeply connected even more to the serving of mummas” - Leah S.

"I Thoroughly enjoyed my Ayurvedic postpartum course! Such a beautiful experience to share with so many incredible women, all with the same goal, to make woman's postpartum journey a positive experience by nourishing the mother. I'm hoping to offer treatments and nourishment support to new mother's this year" - Samantha (Ayurveda Wellness & Holistic Health - Melbourne)